mars. chair.

The Mars Chair has a lot of angles on it, but none of them are right angles. That doesn't mean they're wrong angles, just that the chair has a unique surface geometry.
the. more. you. look.
All that edgy geometry makes the chair look different from different points of view, or so the copywriters say. They also make it comfortable to sit in, since the seat has a hollow for your, um, other planets, and the back is slightly inclined.
the. color. red.
Mars comes in a few colors, but if you get it in anything other than red you're a Philistine. I mean, really, a white Mars chair? Not happening. The good news is that while it costs NASA billions to go to Mars, you can have this Mars chair brought to you for just about $1,300.
Red chair. The 2001 meeting room chairs were also red... hmmm. I really can't think of a place for this chair, unless if I had a room where the floor is lit, the windows had no frame and the walls were made of hard plastic (in other words, not in my house, not for this price anyway). haha
Cripes, why is it so expensive to have cool furniture??
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