If you have a house where a Greek column would look at home, then it's an artistic imperative for you to get the
Capitello Chair! According to Nova68, this is "a factory brand new authorized production" of a 1971 design that looks hard but is supposedly quite comfy.
utterly. untruthful.Further Googling turned up
this strange description on Design Matcher: "Easy chair in flexible polyurethane foam with differentiated load bearing capacity; coating in elastic washable paint. Predicting the work of Post-Modern classicists, such as Robert Venturi and Hans Hollein, the 'Capitello' is utterly untruthful to the materials it employs. While the design appears extremely hard, in reality the self-skinning moulded polyurethane foam is surprisingly soft. The original prototype was made up by Piero Gilardi, the designer of other out-of-context designs manufactured by Gufram." (The blogger spellchecker almost choked to death on that paragraph, by the way.)
indoor. outdoor.Supposedly this thing can go indoors or out, and if it's truly that rugged, then I think $825 is not a bad price to pay for it (and shipping is free...w00t!).